Mission Statement
The Cross’ Mills Public Library services a unique population. Charlestown has a winter-resident population of approximately 7,900; a summer-resident group consisting of at least 3,000; and an unpredictable number of summer visitors. In this rapidly growing community, the library must meet the changing informational and recreational needs of diverse groups. The library will continue to serve as a focal point in the community, providing cultural and informational programs that touch every age group from pre-school children to senior citizens. Our mission is to educate, enrich, and enlighten our patrons.
Library Staff
Sarah Ornstein, MLIS
Community Services Librarian
Amy Forbes , MLIS
Circulation Supervisor
Kiersten Mascaro
Musical Programs Director
Michael Bussey
Support Staff
Tyler Vaughn
Janet Cambio
Loraine Byrne
Building & Grounds
Michael Bussey
Sandy M. Briggs
Board of Trustees
Jane Glander, President
Maureen Areglado, Vice President
Cecelia McCulloch, Treasurer
Patty Higgins, Secretary
Marcie Madsen, Co-Secretary
Claudette Baril
Doug Borden
Patrice Fenton
Bruce Maculan
Paul Sheinkopf
Trustee Emeritus
Peter Herstein