Monday Movie

“Mothers’ Instinct” (NR) Alice and Celine live a traditional lifestyle with successful husbands and sons of the same age. Life’s perfect harmony is suddenly shattered after a tragic accident. Guilt, suspicion and paranoia combine to unravel their sisterly bond.

“Thelma” (PG-13) When 93-year-old Thelma Post gets duped by a phone scammer pretending to be her grandson, she sets out on a treacherous quest across the city to reclaim what was taken from her.

“Inside Out 2” (PG) A sequel that features Riley entering puberty and experiencing brand new, more complex emotions as a result. As Riley tries to adapt to her teenage years, her old emotions try to adapt to the possibility of being replaced.


Oct 21 2024


4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
4417 Old Post Road | PO Box 1680 | Charlestown, RI 02813-0909
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