Annual Food Drive

The Library is collecting nonperishable food items and personal care items throughout the month of November to benefit our neighbors at RICAN. Need suggestions? RICAN wish lists include,

For Thanksgiving baskets:
-Canned vegetables (corn, green beans, peas, etc.)
-Corn muffin mix
-Cranberry sauce
-Pie fillings
-Cream of mushroom soup
-Box mashed potatoes
-Elbow macaroni

Cleaning supplies not covered by SNAP benefits:
-Dish soap
-Laundry supplies
-Hand sanitizer
-Disinfectant wipes or spray
-Toiletry items

Everyday needs:
-Canned Tuna or Chicken
-Baking Mixes (cake, brownies, cookies, etc.)
-Canned vegetables
-Holiday side dishes
-Olive oil, spices and condiments
-Low-sodium soups and broths
-Canned meats
-Baby food, formula and cereal
-Whole-grain pasta and brown rice


Nov 01 2023


8:00 am - 6:00 pm
4417 Old Post Road | PO Box 1680 | Charlestown, RI 02813-0909
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